83.8 F
George Town
Thursday, April 25, 2024

Grand Cayman Magazine: Continuing to Grow with the Island

Fifteen years ago, just before Hurricane Ivan paid Grand Cayman a visit in September 2004, my wife Vicki and I and our keynote speaker, the Hon. McKeeva Bush, had gathered at the Grand Pavilion...
Editor's Message

Putting The ‘Grand’ In Grand Cayman

Grand Cayman is getting even grander. It’s written all over these pages – a new wave of upscale resorts and residences, tremendous growth in stayover tourism, and impressive (and imperative) upgrades to our roadways and...

The Warmest of Cayman Welcomes to Our New Governor

If readers will flip back three pages, they will encounter on Page 16 our new governor’s “Welcome Message” to all who visit these Cayman Islands. But since our governor used “his page” to welcome newcomers...
Editor's Message

Introducing Alden McLaughlin: The Premier You Thought You Knew

Some media, “Tweets” being the best (worst?) example, are meant to be swallowed and digested in a gulp – 140 characters, usually nutritionless, sent by the billions across cyberspace into deserved evanescence. Japanese haiku...

Your Editor’s Guide to What’s Inside . . .

Grand Cayman Magazine, we think, rightly should focus on the sunnier side of things. It’s a good news publication, and there’s plenty of good news to tell.

What the Government Must Learn from the Private Sector

You’ve heard it before: “It was the best of times, it was the worst of times”; “the glass is either half-empty or half-full”; “which do you want to hear first, the good news or...
Editor's Message

Cayman’s Coming ‘Golden Age’

It takes either a fool or a seer (let the reader decide) to attempt to brand something as grand as an era – be it geologic, cultural, or economic. Nevertheless, demarcations in timelines can be...